Kaushik Patolia
Dr. Kaushik Patolia is a General Dentist practicing all aspects of the dentistry with proud. He was born and raised in India. He graduated with Dental degree from India in 2012. He practiced in Gujarat, India for 4 years and migrated to Canada in 2018. He cleared the National Dental Examination board of Canada equivalency process in 2020 and practicing in Canada since then.
He is a good standing member of Royal College of Dental Surgeon of Ontario (RCDSO), Ontario Dental Association (ODA), Canadian Dental Association (CDA), York Region Dental Association (YRDS), Academy of General Dentists (AGD).
He is joyful person and passionate about Dentistry and firmly believes that “Patient Experience” is the most integral component in quality of care in the dental office and comes above everything. He is dedicated for providing a caring and compassionate experience to the patient with thorough and detailed examination of the dental problem as well as skillful and excellent care at the same time.
His favourite areas of the dentistry are Root canal, Crowns, Veneers and Oral Surgery. He keeps himself updated of the new technology and innovation in dentistry by attending various seminars and continuing education courses in Canada and worldwide.
In his personal life, He and his wife have 3 years old daughter. Apart from Dentistry he loves playing cricket, Reading, Watching movies. He has special interest in spiritual book readings and meditation.